1st Management Committee Meeting of the COST Action

CA21130 – P2X receptors as a therapeutic opportunity (PRESTO)

Agenda and Materials

The agenda is in Annex 1. The meeting was organised following a participatory methodology. The material presented by the hosting team and produced by the participants during the meeting are annexed to these minutes.

The Objective of the MC1 meeting are:

  • Take ownership of the Action challenge 
  • Networking and community building
  • Bring everyone to the same level of knowledge on COST
  • Develop Action structure, methodology and planning

Participants and Hosting Team

The hosting team included: 

  • Action SO (Science Officer assigned for this Action): Lucia Forzi
  • Action AO (Administrative Officer assigned to this Action): Svetlana Voinova
  • Action Chair Candidate: Elena Adinolfi

Relevant Information to the Management Committee 

In preparation to the MC1 meeting, the hosting team recommended the following readings and provided the MC with the link to the:

Annotated rules for COST Actions

Action Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

During the meeting, the Action MC was introduced to the COST framework, COST Action management and the COST Action as described in the MoU with dedicated presentations by the hosting team (Annex 3).  

COST Action Café and debriefing 

For four rounds of the discussion, the participants were invited to join discussion groups organised by Working Group topics and Management  topics listed here after:

WG1 eATP and P2XR in inflammatory and infectious diseases (Francesco Di Virgilio)

WG2    P2XRs in neurodegenerative diseases and depression (Darek Gorecki)

WG3 Role of P2XRs in cancer and tissue regeneration (Valerie Vouret Craviari)

WG4    Data integration and translation to the market and the clinics & Involvement of stakeholders (Luca Antonioli)

WG5 Dissemination and outreach & Communication Strategy (Allison Gartland)

Grant awarding – Implementing Mobility grants, ITC Conference and Dissemination Grants (Mariusz Więckowski)

In each discussion groups, a volunteer was appointed as Rapporteur. The hosting team supported the discussions. The outcome of the discussions are summarized below. The Management Committee will develop further the ideas in future Management Committee Meetings in the upcoming months.